Oslo, Norway 17-20 September 2015.
Dear Colleagues,
Following the success of the EAP Educational Congress and MasterCourse in 2013, we are happy to invite you to take part in the next EAP Educational Congress and MasterCourse that will take place in Oslo, Norway 17-20 September 2015.
With the upcoming congress , EAP continues to fulfil its mission to train, educate, and update those professionals taking care of children, while at the same time stimulating and allowing each one of you the opportunity to meet and/or create your own professional network of colleagues and friends.
The Scientific Committee is developing a program with topics covering all areas of interest in the field of paediatrics and the congress will provide the most updated, state-of-the-art information on the latest developments in research and clinical practice in the main areas of Paediatrics.
We will continue to dedicate our educational meetings to Young trainees and promote exchange of information and ideas in the paediatric field
Save the dates in your diary today and we look forward to greeting you in what promises to be an exciting and fruitful meeting with a high scientific standard.
Tom Stiris MD, PhD
EAP President
Dpt of Neonatology, Oslo University Hospital